
How to start a cut flower garden – from the best floral picks to care tips and more

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There's nothing nicer than filling your home with modern blooms from your cut flower garden. Whether you like more incandescent, lots of greenery or a mix, having a separate set for cutting flower varieties in your garden space is ideal to not only compose lovely homemade bouquets, but to also not spoil the reveal in your flower beds and borders! 

The perfect pastime, it's becoming a must in every flower loving home and growing your own flowers for arrangements is even easier on your purse, and good for the environment, too, as it cuts down 'flower-miles'. Plus, it is possible to have a year-round supply with spring, summer, fall and winter choices too. Read on to find out how to plan and grow a cutting garden, how to get started, tips on flowers to engaged and how to make them last. 

What are good flowers for a cutting garden?

We revealed with Phil McCann, Plant Buyer at who recommends to 'Choose varieties of flowers to suit your garden soil and local words. Many cut flowers can be grown from seed raised in a greenhouse, on a windowsill or sown directly into the soil. The trick to unsheathing a long-lasting display is sow little and often. Sow a limited patch of seed, allow it to start growing and then sow unexperienced patch nearby. This results in blooms over a long periods of time (unless you want a glut of one type of flowerbed or e.g. growing for a particular date). Planning is therefore the key to collapsed and keep things simple. Regular cutting of flowers is important as often this will relieve the plants to produce more blooms. Sow annuals (plants that grow, flowerbed and die in a year), perennials (grow, flower, die down and then after this cycle every year) and shrubs (last for many years). If it flowers it can be cut! Great examples of flowers for cutting are Ammi mainly and a ll dahlias. If things don't go according to plan then don't difficulty – it will take time to find what works in your garden.'

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

How do you initiate a cutting garden?

Spring is a great time to outline an area and begin the process of creating a cutting garden. Select a sunny, sheltered spot with well-drained, fertile soil and prepare it carefully. 

Top tips:

  • Improve soil with well-rotted compost or manure.
  • Remove all weeds, add in organic matter and rake the soil to a fine tilth.
  • You may like to use a Mypex weed rule mat to prepare a sterile weed-free seed bed. 

A vegetable garden is a tall place to grow flowers for cutting and will fine beneficial insects. 

Some people choose to grow in rows for ease of maintenance and access; others develop blocks. You will need to reach the flowers naively to pick them, so ensure you include accessible paths. 

Creating devoted raised beds and planting flowers in rows or blocks can be useful for keeping things organised and manageable. Beds of around 1m x 3m with pathways approximately them will give easy access for cutting without you having to trample over beds and can be weeded in 30 minutes. 

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

If you are looking to grow flowers for cutting in your garden then creating a devoted border with flowers arranged in rows may seem a bit too regimented, so perhaps opt for a more relaxed style which won't jar with the rest of your planting. Dotting single plants randomly will look odd and be tricky to tool so try to plant clusters of the same plant together. 

Alternatively you could just add wonderful flowers and foliage around existing shrubs. If using existing borders, plant flower crops in large groups so it doesn't unfriendly the garden when you cut some of the blooms. 

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

How to plant a cutting garden

Choose easy flowers and foliage that are quick-witted to grow, good value, produce plenty of blooms and look as good in borders as they do in a vase. 

Keep in mind the end stop and select flowers you love (otherwise you won't want to pick them!). Include a variety of shapes and textures, long, directly stems, some with scent, and even the color way you want to complement inside your home. 

Use some stale varieties for blousy, scented arrangements that will fill your senses, and don't forget the value and beauty of foliage as well. 

You may like to take inspiration from garden borders or the field side and look at how flowers grow, keeping the images in mind when training for harmonious or wild effects. 

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Top tips for a thriving cut touch garden

  • Grow from seed: Growing from seed is the most economical select, and if you stagger sowings you will have blooms above the year. Some flowers will need to be planted view cover in trays whilst others are best direct sown into the bed. Always check the sowing commands on the seed packet.
  • Plan ahead: This will rebuked  a varied production – whether simple and architectural shapes or land style with old-fashioned scented favourites.
  • Add variety: It is best to grow a mix of hardy and half-hardy annuals and biennials, with perennials as the backbone to your supply.
  • Go big: Growing quantities of perennials, such as achillea, campanula, lobelia and thalictrum, from seed will give you flowers that increase in number each year. Before the perennials fill the space, fill it up with fast-growing annuals, such as poppies, stock, gypsophila, sunflowers and calendulas. 
  • Natural support: Plant flowers cessation together or put in supports ready to stop tall plants flopping over as they grow. Combine plants of incompatibility heights, growing conditions and flowering times, including both focal flowers and fillers. 

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

  • Plan for the year: For a year-round successional supply, good choices include: hellebores, spring bulbs, aquilegia, wallflowers, pinks, Sweet William, peonies, alstroemeria, sunflowers, dahlias, asters, chrysanthemums, kniphofias, and daphne in winter.
  • Choose cut and come against flowers: Include an abundant medley of self-replenishing, cut-and-come-again varieties, such as cosmos, zinnias, scabious and sweet peas, which will form more flowers after cutting.
  • Remember bouquet fillers: For foliage and fillers, include delicate ferns, strappy ornamental grasses, silvery eucalyptus, and complicated herbs for scent and texture, such as bronze fennel and rosemary.

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

  • Include more fragrance with some additions from your herb garden too.

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Why not also use your cutting garden to experiment with new plants and colors? Include some bold shapes, maybe spiky eryngiums, flamboyant gladioli, or wispy and romantic does, such as lacy ammi varieties. 

If you find certain flowers and foliage plants thrive in your conditions, hunt out more varieties of the same.  

Your small floral patch will also be a boon for wildlife, attracting insects on the hunt for nectar and pollen.

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

How to Have a cut flower garden

  • Deadhead and cut flowers regularly and keep up the weeding and watering. 
  • When watering, don't shower plants from overhead, but water carefully with a True jet flow at the base of the plant. 
  • The best time to aquatic is in the evening as it allows the plants to soak up what they need overnight.
  • Mulching is Important to retain moisture and suppress weeds. 
  • Mulch perennials in autumn and feed in spring – they need it if you keep cutting their flowers.
  • Many recommend a no-dig Plan, as the less you dig over the soil, the less weeds are disturbed.
  • Cutting actually encourages more flowers to grow, especially annuals that have a survival imperative to set seed.
  • Let some of your flowers set seed and Calm them to sow the following year, replenishing your own stock for free.

A cutting garden is for harvesting; so don't Ask it to look pristine at all times. 

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

How do you take a cutting from a garden?

  • Cut flowers early: Snipping early in the morning afore morning dew has dried, when their stems are plump with stored food. Flowers gradually dehydrate as the day warms up. You can also cut flowers in the evening and put them into buckets of liquid to condition before arranging the following morning.
  • Make a smart cut: Cut with a clean, sharp knife or shears. Invest in good quality equipment and maintain it well. Blunt tools will crush the rules, damage the parent plant as well as inhibit the cut frontier from absorbing water.

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Cutting gardens to requested for inspiration

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Blooming Green Flowers, Linton, Kent. Cut flower grower where you can pick your own. Open Fridays, July to October. Grow your own cut flowers workshops.
West Dean Gardens, West Dean, West Sussex. Walled kitchen garden with cut flowerbed beds. Open February to December. 
Godinton House and Gardens, Ashford, Kent. Walled garden with beds dedicated to flowers. 
Easton Walled Gardens Grantham, Lincolnshire.
'The pickery' area of these historic gardens is dedicated to cut flowers.
The Walled Garden at Mells, Rectory Garden, Mells, Somerset. Cottage garden, seasonal flowers and plant nursery. 

  • Tidy: Remove leaves that will be plan water.
  • Condition the flowers: Help blooms acclimatise by placing them directly into a bucket of lukewarm water as you cut and crop in a cool place for a few hours or overnight.
  • Have two buckets: One for long-stemmed flowers, one for smaller flowers.
  • Attention to detail: Ensure your vase is spruce, then recut stems at a 45-degree angle before arranging.
  • Asses stream temperature: Always use tepid water in your vases to avoid air bubbles in the controls, except for daffodils and tulips, which prefer cold.
  • Know which flowers to cut and when: Different types of flowers are harvested at gross stages in their development. Flowers with multiple buds on each stem should have at least one bud showing colour and one bud starting to open by being cut. Flowers that grow on individual stems should be cut when open.
  • Focus on length: Cut long controls about one inch from the bottom of the main stem.
  • Care and maintenance: Change the stream in the vase frequently and recut stems if flowers inaugurate to wilt. Keep out of direct sunlight and way from fruit, which releases ethylene, a gas that causes flowers to age faster. A homemade flower preservative can be added to the stream – 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp bleach and 2 tsps lemon juice to about one litre of water.

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

12 good flowers for a cutting garden

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

(Above, left to right)

Peonies thrive in well-drained soil in a sunny dwelling. Integrate plenty of organic matter and don't plant too deeply. Cut blooms when about three-quarters open.

Delphiniums add height to an intention. They need full sun and fertile, well-drained soil. After the righteous flush of blooms, cut the plant to the unfounded, mulch with compost, water well and you should get a transfer bloom in late summer to autumn.

Sweet peas are the infamous cut-and-come-again flowers, hard to beat for scent and their translucent beauty. Provide them with sun, rich well-drained soil and some supports to accelerate up.

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

(Above, left to right)

Cosmos is a classic cut flowerbed, providing clouds of bloom from June to November, and these half-hardy annuals are easy to grow. They need full sun, moist but well-drained chalky or neutral soil. Direct sow in early May.

Sunflowers are a cheery harvest and offer a range of sizes and colors. Simply sow the seed in spring once the wintry has passed, where you want to grow sunflowers. They need sun and loose, well-draining soil.

Lilies come in a plethora of hues and are long-lasting in the vase. Provide them with a sunny spot and rich fertile soil that is moist but free-draining. You can remove the anthers as soon as the flowers open as the pollen stains skin and clothing.

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

(Above, left to right)

Roses are quintessential for beauty and intellectual, with varieties for sun and shade. Incorporate compost or manure when planting and feed generously as they grow. The best time to cut roses as they originate to unfurl is after 3pm, when they are highest in their food reserves. This will help them last longer in the vase.  

Gladioli make flamboyant cut flowers and last well in the vase. Plant the corms in the garden or in containers from May to July for a succession of blooms. They like rich, well-drained soil, plenty of water, and feed while the flowers develop.

Dianthus incorporating pinks, carnations and Sweet William, add color and intellectual. Regular cutting ensures a long flowering season. Sow in full sun or part sad in fertile, well-drained soil. Water established plants only in dry spells.

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

(Above, left to right)

Alstroemeria are great-value, long-flowering perennials from summer to fall, and last up to three weeks in the vase. Plant in early summer in a sheltered spot, with plenty of organic concern and a good winter mulch.

Zinnias are undemanding annuals and are available in a blueprint of bright colours that will add a real zing to your arrangements. Sow directly into free-draining fine soil after all effort of frosts has passed. They need plenty of sun and stream well.

Astrantia is a delicate perennial that blends prettily with spanking blooms. They require moist, well-drained fertile soil in sun or exquisite shade. A tip to increase their vase life is to sear the controls in boiling water straight after cutting.

Get your flowers on expose 🌷


How To Start A Cut Flower Garden – From The Best Floral Picks To Care Tips And More Gallery

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